Häring apprentices double their target: 62 packages for the Johanniter Christmas Truckers.

Since 1993, thousands of children have been preparing aid packages for people in need. This year, initiated by Mr. Schreijäg (technical apprenticeship manager), Häring is also taking part in the campaign - with huge success.

Häring apprentices double their target: 62 packages for the Johanniter Christmas Truckers.

Since 1993, thousands of children have been preparing aid packages for people in need. This year, initiated by Mr. Schreijäg (technical apprenticeship manager), Häring is also taking part in the campaign - with huge success.

The “Johanniter Christmas Truckers” is an aid initiative that prepares packages containing everyday necessities such as toothbrushes, soap, rice and pasta for people in need in southeastern Europe and - since the coronavirus pandemic - in Germany.

The packages benefit poor families, children, people with disabilities, soup kitchens and elderly and children's homes via the Johanniter Organization. This is only possible thanks to the commitment of numerous volunteers. They quite literally lend a hand themselves.

Target exceeded: 62 packages instead of the planned 30

As part of the campaign, each Häring apprentice contributed 10€. The Anton Häring Academy contributed the rest from its donation pot, which is filled by various apprentice projects and campaigns, such as the self-constructed returnable bottle collection machine, Christmas tree sales, BeeGood honey sales and much more specifically for such cases.

Anton Häring KG had set itself the goal of creating at least 30 packages - in the end it was an incredible 62. Markus Schreijäg, technical apprenticeship manager and the initiator of the campaign, is absolutely thrilled: “I'm speechless. It was great to see how our apprentices and students got involved and more than doubled the target - and all on a voluntary basis. A huge thank you once again to everyone involved and, of course, to my trainer colleagues who also lent a hand.”

The 62 packages were collected directly by the Johanniter due to the high number and will now be distributed in the respective target countries. There, they are intended to provide concrete help on the one hand and send a signal on the other: We do not forget those in need.

With campaigns like these, Anton Häring KG encourages its apprentices and students to get involved in social causes. In addition, the experience gained strengthens their team spirit and sense of responsibility - even outside of their day-to-day work.

More information can be found here.
