We are pleased to announce that Haering Precision USA LP has been named "Impact Business of the Year 2024" by the Hart County Chamber of Commerce.
On January 26, 2025, China's Premier Li Qiang invited international experts from science, technology, education, and industry to a high-level symposium in…
As in previous years, Häring is sending Christmas greetings digitally and donating the money saved to social projects.
From November 26 to 30, 2024, the 2nd China International Supply Chain Expo (CISCE) took place at the China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Pavilion) in…
On November 13, 2024, Anton Häring KG, as a representative of medium-sized companies, took part in the 8th annual Strategy Dialogue of the Automotive Industry…
The Schaeffler Group recognizes 23 out of 25,000 suppliers for outstanding performance - this year, Häring is being honored for its commitment to…
The joint presentation focused on the topic of “Transformation and technological openness as the basis for the mobility of today and tomorrow”.
Accompanying the Chinese New Year, Haering Precision Taicang is celebrating its anniversary by looking back on milestones and forward to a strong future.
PHINIA, the leading supplier of premium fuel systems, electrical systems and aftermarket products, held a Supplier Day in Shanghai on November 28, which we…
A win-win situation for people and the environment: for the 5th year in a row, we are doing away with traditional Christmas cards and sending our greetings…
On January 31, 2023, the Taicang high-tech zone came together for a district conference. During this event, the administrative committee honored progressive…
From February 27 to March 3, the nationwide Nutrition Days 2023 took place - our company restaurant, ANTONIS, at the headquarters in Bubsheim also participated
For several years now, we have been cooperating with various regional schools that bring their technology lessons to us at the Häring Academy for several weeks.…
Haering Polska signs the cooperation agreement with Jan Kochanowski University in Piotrków Trybunalski.
Progress, growth, unique: three words for a career - a very special career that rarely happens, because Inge Kille worked at Häring from the first day of her…
The past few years have shown that we can deliver Christmas greetings without paper and still bring joy - even more than with the printed form.
Exciting news from the Häring site in China! Plant Manager Sen Ye was recently elected as a member of the Consultative Conference, representing Managing…
At the conference of the High-Tech Zone in Taicang, companies with outstanding achievements were honored. Häring Taicang was able to succeed in four areas at…
Haering Precision (Taicang) Co., Ltd. was honored with the "Excellent Quality" award by its customer Vitesco Automotive Electronics (Changchun) Co., Ltd.
We have just founded our JOINT VENTURE - and already we are holding the first certificate from the city of Taicang in our hands. If that's not a successful…
For the third year in a row we are choosing to forego the production and mailing of Christmas cards, and instead using the financial savings to fulfill the…
Anton Häring KG can continue to count itself among the "500 secret world market leaders 2022".
Citizens have decided - and honored Häring KG with the awards "Germany's Best Employer" and "Germany's Most Valuable Employer".
With a wealth of experience and exciting anecdotes, the founder of Herrenknecht AG offered reflections on the technological and economic future
Häring team members in Lavonia support "The Blood Connection".
CDU foreign policy expert Dr. Nobert Röttgen took a critical look at the future at the 37th Innovation Forum.
Anton Häring KG is once again listed in the Weltmarktführer-Index (World Market Leader Index) and receives the independent award "Deutschlands Beste Arbeitgeber…
The Suzhou Training Bureau awards the Anton Häring KG Academy a very special distinction: recognition as an "Awarded Company Academy".
A social project at any Haering location worldwide can look forward to a great donation. How is the campaign financed? By doing without Christmas cards.
Zum Dritten Mal als „Premium Supplier“ ausgezeichnet
It’s worth it in two ways, because at the Chinese location in Taicang, the commitment to Anton Häring KG is recognized with two prizes.
Governor Brian Kemp, from the US State of Georgia takes a look behind the scenes at Anton Häring KG.
For the sake of the environment, we will not send out Christmas cards this year. The savings from each Häring location worldwide will benefit a social project…
On the occasion of the anniversary year at Häring, a special ceremony was held with high-ranking representatives from politics and business.
The children of the Bubsheim Kindergarten visited Häring again in the company restaurant, ANTONIS, on Easter Sunday.
The world market leader index is under the direction of Prof. Christoph Müller at the Entrepreneurial School of the University of St. Gallen. He presents…
The German Minister of Economic and Labor Affairs, Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, comes to Anton Häring KG as she traveled around the district.
In the beginning of April, the general assembly of the IHK Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg visited Häring in Bubsheim. They used the spring meeting to promote the…
The Anton Häring KG is one of the best employers in Germany: The Center for Employer Attractiveness (organizer of TOP JOB) honors the commitment and quality of…
The metropolitan region of Taicang honors Haering's commitment to education at the New Year celebration for European and American companies.
More than 70 percent of Bubsheim residents live and work in their own town. The largest employer here is Anton Haering KG.
This year, at the Christmas party at our headquarters in Bubsheim, our long-standing employees and the entire team had two reasons to celebrate: the 10th, 25th,…
One of the highest honors of the city was received by Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Häring at the Chinese location of the family company – a great honor, which is closely…
A future concept for study programs developed by a corporate working group with Häring in cooperation with the IHK, the HFU, and the ETS.
Family day in Taicang is well received by both young and old.
Anton Häring KG from Bubsheim placed 1st in Germany in 2018 among the best companies with a training program in the category "Suppliers of the automotive…
When the company management, department heads and group managers work the grill, spring for drinks and bake waffles ...
Urban Steuer set milestones – and retires after 47 years.
At the Christmas party, employees were honored for the many years of service.
Anton Häring KG honored with awards from Continental and Schaeffler.
A thank you to our team: Häring Club Night, Häring End of Work and Häring Family Day create a great atmosphere.
Regional precision parts manufacturer wins award for reliable partnership.
"InForm" health program of Anton Häring KG generates a lot of interest.