weißer Teller mit Essen

Healthy and delicious: Nutrition Days at Häring

From February 27 to March 3, the nationwide Nutrition Days 2023 took place - our company restaurant, ANTONIS, at the headquarters in Bubsheim also participated.

During Nutrition Days, the chefs at ANTONIS created a promotional menu that particularly delighted fish lovers: Baked winter cod on potato-china cabbage panache with pickled beetroot, red onions and a horseradish dip. All the ingredients are sourced from Germany - including the Tuttlingen region and the Black Forest. "The background of the dish is that we have refined and thought further about the classic fish sticks. It's about eating more consciously instead of simply buying ready-made fish sticks. Skrei is only available in the winter months - the lean meat is ideal for baking. So we've transferred the simplicity of fish sticks and made the whole thing more upscale," explains Patrick Schönwälder, Head Chef of the ANTONIS company restaurant in Bubsheim.

However, it is not only during the Nutrition Days that the family-owned company pays attention to a varied range of balanced meals, as President Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Häring makes clear: "As part of our health program, a specially developed InForm menu is on the menu at ANTONIS every day. Participating in the nationwide nutrition days is therefore a matter of course for us. Healthy and delicious food go hand in hand - raising awareness of this is something we are happy to support every day." Anton Häring KG's ANTONIS company restaurant offers over 4,400 Häring employees at every production site worldwide several menus with various side dishes, soups and a salad buffet for lunch or dinner every day. 

Freshly prepared by skilled chefs, team members can enjoy dishes from all over the world, even together with their families. Seasonal and regional ingredients are used throughout the year in preparation of the dishes. With seating for 240, the company restaurant in Bubsheim offers plenty of room for hungry guests. "We are proud to be a family-owned company and place a lot of emphasis on family values. This includes taking care of: a secure job, individual career paths, and the overall health of our team" Miriam Häring, President of Anton Häring KG explains the motives.


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